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Continued use of grid design on wall to match the ceiling with bright peppy yellow on seating arrangement

Continued use of grid design on wall to match the ceiling with bright peppy yellow on seating arrangement

End to end opening for windows to allow natural light and add openness to the class room

Black laminate with gridlines in turquoise to match the bright walls on one side

End to end opening for windows to allow natural light and add openness to the class room

Use of peppy colors like yellow and turquoise in the class room

Use of peppy colors like yellow and turquoise in the class room

Black laminate wall with Lemon green gridlines to compliment the adjacent wall


Lemon green wall to add brightness to the room with an overall white tone

Bright Colors against an overall white tone in the class room

Use of peppy colors like yellow and turquoise in the class room along with an open window to allow natural light

Bright Colors against an overall white tone in the class room

Grid and Gypsum ceiling with lights and concealed extendable screen for projection

Grid and Gypsum ceiling with lights and concealed extendable screen for projection


Wooden tiles, grid ceiling complimented by peppy colors on one side and seating

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